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Motorsport has always been part of Rolex's brand image and replica watches uk they have been directly involved with events like the 24 Hours at Daytona, the Goodwood Revival, and they are the also the replica watches uk Official Timekeeper for the prestigious 24 Hours of replica watches Le Mans. While it seems almost a natural progression that Rolex would eventually connect with Formula 1, I don't expect this new relationship to look anything like the previous one shared with Hublot. To contrast the differences between these two brands, simply look at these examples of their replica watches uk advertising (each are the result of partnerships within professional motorsports). The Hublot partnership (which began March of 2010) will come to a close at the end of this year despite what seemed like a good relationship between Ecclestone (F1) and replica watches uk Jean-Claude Biver (Hublot). One has to wonder if there was love lost between the two organizations or if this change is of a purely financial nature.